Career Management

How to Mitigate The Health Effects of a Sedentary Job

If you have a sedentary job and sit for prolonged periods, you instinctively know that it is bad for your body. You’ve probably even noticed some physical effects already such as a back ache after spending most of your day glued to an office chair. But, most do not likely understand how detrimental it really…

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20 Exercises You Can Do At Work

The human body is not designed to remain seated for long periods or go without exercise but unfortunately for many of us, we are stuck in sedentary jobs. This results in a gamut of negative health effects, even if we manage to exercise each day before or after our jobs. However, by using quick mini-workouts…

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Job Burnout: 6 Ways To Confront It

Low to moderate levels of stress are not only good but a necessary part of achievement and healthy development. When stress reaches excessive levels, however, it is a destructive force. Over long periods, it will almost undoubtedly produce the dreaded burnout stage: a feeling of complete mental and physical exhaustion commonly attributed to a job. Whats worse…

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