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March 15, 2019
You’re managing a team of employees with your sights set on success! Every day, you provide management and guidance that will help your employees do their best… or so you think. The only problem is, things aren’t quite going as planned, and that “Number One Boss” mug on your desk seems to be laughing at you. Many aspects of good leadership are learned skills, and you must make mistakes to get it right. So what happens when you’re not sure what exactly is going wrong, and what you can do about it?
Signs of poor leadership
Your employees are a pretty good barometer of how things are actually going at your workplace, and their impression of your leadership style. If you notice the following, it might be time to make some changes:
- Turnover
- Apathetic workers who lack enthusiasm
- Zero engagement in the company culture
- Decreased productivity and job performance
- Frustration and confusion
- A diminished end product that customers are beginning to notice
Does any of this sound familiar? If so, it’s time to take swift action to turn things around.
What you can do
Your best course of action is to follow in the steps of great leaders. This can include reading books or listening to podcasts with good leadership advice. You can also talk to other leadership professionals and get their opinion—based on what you’ve seen in your co-workers, what improvements can you make?
Another great source of information is to simply ask your audience. Conduct an employee survey using a resource such as surveymonkey.com. Ask your workers a short list of questions that touch on their perceptions of the work environment and what they would change if they could. Sample questions include:
- Do you anticipate staying with this company? Why or why not?
- What do you like about working here? What do you dislike?
- Do you feel confident about your role and responsibilities?
- Do you feel comfortable within the company culture?
You can also ask questions that pertain directly to your leadership style. Are you more hands-on or hands-off? Do employees feel they’re being micromanaged, or as if they don’t get enough interaction with you? Questions such as these can give insight into what can be fixed, and also show your workers you care enough to ask.
Once you get feedback, take action
Get to work at once reviewing the feedback of your workers, and what you’ve learned from other great leaders, and making changes. The sooner the better, to help you preserve your workforce and make yours a great place to work!
Looking to staff up?
You’ve made changes and you’re ready for forward motion. If you need to replenish staff or you’re looking to grow, check out Inter-Connect. We’ll work with you to understand your staffing needs and form a plan that works. To learn more, contact Inter-Connect today!