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June 26, 2020
Looking to fill an open position at your company? It’s important to find the right person to help ensure work continues to get done, deadlines are met and customers are satisfied with the end product. But the hiring process can be arduous, involving many steps and considerable effort.
If you’re looking for help sooner rather than later, but are concerned the new employee will have all the required qualifications, a temp-to-hire employment situation can offer you several advantages.
Five advantages of temp-to-hire employees
Your hiring process (and your company) can benefit from the following when you opt for temp-to-hire employment:
Evaluate potential new hires.
When you hire employees directly, you’re trusting that everything that looks good on paper will play out in real life. If this gives you pause, then temp-to-hire workers can help put your mind at ease. You’ll be able to work with an employee who has been matched to the job based on his or her qualifications, and evaluate whether or not the offer of a permanent placement makes sense for your company.
Find a highly skilled new employee.
Candidates with temp experience have worked in a variety of roles during their career. This means they can bring additional skills to the job beyond those acquired from working in direct-hire situations. Quite simply, they’ve done more and have more experience.
Build a relationship with a staffing agency.
To save yourself time and headaches in the hiring process, a staffing agency is an invaluable partner. Choosing a temp-to-hire candidate helps you begin to build a professional relationship that will benefit your business now and into the future.
Maintain peace within your company.
Unfulfilled job roles leave your other employees picking up the slack, which can be overwhelming. But bringing on a temp-to-hire worker not only helps spread out the work and prevent burnout, it also gives your permanent employees a chance to get to know the new worker, and they can also assist with evaluation. Is this someone they could see themselves working with full-time?
Prevent turnover.
Temp-to-hire employees help you make better hiring matches. And by having the right employees in place, you’ll avoid turnover—which can be costly and detrimental to your staff.
Work with a staffing agency
Your next new hire is right around the corner! Partnering with a staffing agency makes it faster and easier to place new workers, so you can focus on the task at hand—running your business.
Let Inter-Connect help
We place industrial, office/clerical, professional/managerial and technical workers in the Tri-State area. To learn more, contact us today!