Should I Write a Cover letter Even if it’s Not Requested?

A lot of job seekers think that because of email, social media, etc., the days of the cover letter have come and gone. They would be wrong. While there are fewer instances where a job hunter needs to send a hard copy of their cover letter and resume through the mail in response to an…

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4 Great Ways to Strengthen your Resume

Even as many job opportunities go unfilled in today’s job market, there’s still a lot of competition to land the best opportunities. If you’re looking to have a “career” vs. simply a job, it’s important to have the right combination of education, experience and skills to stand out from other candidates. Which is where a…

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The Do’s and Don’ts for Building Co-worker Friendships

Let’s face it – whether working in the office or remotely – most of us spend the majority our waking hours interacting with our co-workers.   While some of these relationships are business-only, many others turn into office friendships.  These types of interactions can make the job fun and less tedious. In fact studies have…

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Looking to Add Staff but your Budget is Tight? Consider Temp-To-Hire.

A lot of today’s jobseekers – especially younger ones – are being pickier than their predecessors.  Many are now asking questions about the work they’ll perform – and where they’ll perform it. Still others may decide to jump ship if they feel it’s not what they signed up for – leaving the hiring company in…

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Should I Use A Recruiter to Find My Next Job?

Making a career change or job shift is not only stressful for most professionals, but challenging and time-consuming. Sure, finding that dream job can be an exciting life-changer, but the process that often goes with it is never easy. Especially if you’re already employed and don’t have the time it takes to weed out the…

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Not the Right Experience? Don’t Overlook A Candidate’s Other Skills  

The rule of thumb for hiring managers and HR professionals is to always hire the most qualified person for a job opening.   And while that’s still true, companies that can spot high-potential, but underqualified applicants can gain a serious competitive advantage.   To be clear, there’s a difference between unqualified and underqualified. An unqualified…

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